I'm Rivers, whom you may also know as Jaz, Jamesickle, Niggy, McLovin, or, weirdest of all the names, James... Chances are if you're on here you know me anyway, so i will shut up and get to the point. Anyways, some of you may remember a http://www.deadlyrivers.com/... Yeah, don't bother clicking it, it leads nowhere, as, alas, my beautiful cult website was taken down due to some problem where I forgot to update it =(
So, I'm kinda lying with this blog title, this isn't exactly a reinvention of that website, where I would write mildly amusing articles about tentacle rape porn, shit video games, rave endlessly about movies I was excited for, or just straight up make up stuff about bands and things (all in the name of humour, obviously). Nah, on here I'm purely gonna talk about the very exciting life I lead, and hopefully update it every other day.
But there's a twist... Y'see, I gained a book today... Its name is 'This Diary Will Change Your Life 2009'. It features some crazy (and I mean, FUCKING CRAZY) things to do - 52 to be precise, one for every week of 2009. Now, I realise I've already missed roughly 4 months worth of this stuff, some of which did look fun, eg. Taliban week (not as bad as it sounds), or Protest Against Everything week. I especially liked the Subvert Consumer Society From Within week task. But it's better I'm late than never.
Now, to be fair I doubt I'll do everything. For example, one upcoming event involves going abroad on holiday with other users of the book... Which sounds fun and all, but I'm not sure if I have the money to do that. As another example, one involves hiring out a prostitute for non-sexual purposes, which completely defies the point of hiring out a prostitute, so why would I want to do that? But in all seriousness, I'm too young/poor/socially inept to do some of it, but I'll do the best I can. But then again, isn't that the whole point of the exercise - To change my life? We'll see what happens I suppose...
So I might as well start this week's task half way through - Follow opposite gender magazine's instructions. This may possibly involve me having to wear make-up, or have sex with men, or something like that, so it's already gonna be interesting... I haven't started yet, I'm planning to go out and get an issue of Cosmo or something like that later. Regardless, this is meant to be an introductory post more than anything, to let you know what I'm up to, so this isn't it yet.
Saying that, however, this isn't going to exclusively be about this book. Sometimes I'll just wanna talk about an awesome day I've had, or any films or music that I have consumed, or occasionally just post something of a stream-of-consciousness inner monologue just to keep you on your toes. This blog is gonna be an all-round fun thing for me to do, to waste a bit of time everyday, and hopefully, though probably not, amuse/entertain/scare you. (The latter option seems more likely).
Along those lines of just talking about whatever I want to, I got a very awesome album today, 'Alpinisms' by School Of Seven Bells. I'll admit it, I got this in anticipation for a forthcoming Jesu remix, but regardless, the album is great. Kind of a nice mixture between electro, indie and shoegaze, I'll use Jesu, The Cure, or Astrid Quay as points of reference for the type of sound going on here. The female who sings, whose name I'm too lazy to look up, has a gorgeous voice, and there's sonically a lot going on, which makes for very interesting listening. I give it 4 on my clapometer (out of 5), so if you dig that kind of thing I really reccomend it.

Anyways, this has come out quite long thus far, it's probably somewhat akin to the first chapter of a book you'll stop reading on the basis of its first chapter alone. I'll keep this updated whenever possible, so stick with it, it might get somewhat more interesting.
Peace and love to y'all =)