I'm 22 now. That's absolutely insane. I still feel 15 to be honest. But I feel a bit more motivated to sort my life out now. Maybe not today, because I still feel a bit shit from my mystery illness today. Hell, I've already taken some responsibility and gave the living room a thorough clean to make up for last night's messy party (that sounds a tad wrong). Okay, so I know that's not much, but considering I've pretty much spent the last few months playing XBox and using the computer, it's something. So I will get off my arse, I will make steps to get a job, and I will not let myself be walked all over - I've been dabbling in self-respect lately, it worked for Scott Pilgrim, it can work for me. Maybe.
I will start tasking again too. I have done a few mild tasks lately, which essentially boils down to studying Ada Peach's life, and increasing my pain threshold by having Jay punch my arm as hard a possible. No, I won't be tasking super hardcore or anything, but really, I never did. I just like the idea of having a little something special to do each day. I've already tasked mildly today, of which I will go more into detail on my next blog.
The fact that I'm actually writing this blog shows that I'm a bit more motivated than I have been in ages to be honest. And let's not fuck around here, I fully expect that I will probably have a lapse in motivation sometime soon, because I do this all the time. I'm a bit of a broken record, and this blog entry is an example of that, it's the archetypal entry I do when I I've already lapsed, and recovered, only to relapse at some point. Which makes me sound firstly like a drug addict, and secondly like I'm in a negative headspace. I'm not, I'm simply being realistic. But I'll try my best not to. Doing stuff is far more fulfilling than not doing stuff. Even if you try and fail, at least you tried. I will smile at the the end of a day if I know I've done SOMETHING productive. And it's been a while since that's happened to be honest. So, I'll stop starting and stopping living, just get on with my life, motivate myself, and if I do lapse, remember that it's so much rewarding to do stuff.
Also, I should probably stop rambling so much... But it's been a while... =)