Sunday, 29 November 2009

Friday: Love Your Insect

My attempt at insect loving didn't go to well, it has to be said. I was merely supposed to have a nice cuddle with my insect today, and see if the insect and I enjoyed it. Seeing as my previous insect, Shelly, was very, very dead, I didn't feel like cuddling the corpse. Something just seems a little macabre about hugging a dead spider...

I had a really quite busy day on Friday too, so didn't have much time to catch a new insect fwiend. I had a full day of Uni, then a meal out later that night to celebrate Mum's birthday (happy birthday for last Friday, Mum! And happy birthday for today, Dad!). So, I really had no time at home during the day, except to get ready. After the meal I searched the house for insects. Because my house is being an insect-less shit right now, there were none... Except in the downstairs toilet, where there were two spiders. Fantastic!

Except not fantastic! Because one was dead (I have a knack for finding dead/dying spiders), and one was a slippery bastard, who I tried desperately to grab hold of, but the sprightly bugger dashed off every which way, until it eventually hid behind the sink, where I couldn't get to it! Goddamn it! I'm guessing word of Shelly's death has emerged amongst the insect world, and they're all avoiding me like the plague right now. I didn't murder her though! I bet Meg's been telling other spiders that I killed Shelly... Ignoring the fact that Meg's shit-scared of spiders for a minute...

So yeah, my tasking wasn't particularly exceptional again, but I'm guessing that the rest of this week's not gonna be easy, what with the insect-less-ness, death-ness, busy-ness, and whatever-else-ness.

But oh wells. The meal, to derail the subject, was awesome. Chinese buffet for the win! And the dessert was delightfully odd, being another buffet, this time of ice cream, cake, Chinese treats, and LOTS of pick 'n' mix. Which I guess doesn't sound too odd. But the amount of pick 'n' mix we'd had for desert made it a different-than-usual dessert. It was akin to reaping the rewards of an exploded Haribo factory. Which, I assure you, is a good thing, though possibly not for the workers/proprietors/builders of said factory.

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