I guess I've started a lot of blog entries this way, and it may seem like a bullshit excuse by now, but truthfully, I just don't think the world wants me to blog. I haven't blogged in ages because, yup, you guessed it, my computer's fucked. Again. It likes doing that. Plus, I've been very busy lately, what with having shitloads of coursework, nearly having a nervous breakdown, and trying to have a social life in amongst all this too. So, I haven't had the most amazing week, and I don't think I've blogged for about two or three weeks now, but I'm gonna try to keep this up, through whatever means necessary. I'm still blogging January's tasks, and it's March tomorrow, how much does that suck? I'm currently blogging off my girlfriend's laptop, so, until my hard drive's fixed, will be leeching off other people's computers for a while. So, again, blogs may not be consistent, but I'll try. Sorry to anyone who's missed my blogs, whoever that may be and for whatever reasons anyone would miss my blogs. Anyways, on with the taskage!
On this day, WAAAAAAAAY back on the 21st January, I didn't do the day's task. Which was annoying, because I deleted some sound clips from my mobile phone to make space for today's recordings, including my much-beloved text tone, which I find hilarious, but I'm pretty sure no one else would. I planned to record some loud mobey convos (UUUGGGHHH), but 1) didn't really hear any, and 2) totally forgot by the time I went out. Jay and I went into town in order to do this task (probably to get other stuff too), but only came across one man who was speaking loudly into his phone. In a foreign language. By which point I'd forgotten about the task. So, yeah, it didn't really work out at all well.
If anyone can remember back to my last blog entry (though you may need a DeLorean and a Flux Capacitator to jog your memory), I didn't do that day's task, which was to search my house for dead bodies. Jay and I felt bad about such bad tasking over these past few days, so decided to do the dead body hunting task a day later. Jay was super excited about this. We started off in the kitchen, looking in cupboards for disembodied limbs and the like, but found nothing. Well, Jay thought she found a baby's severed head, but it turned out it was just a potato. A mistake we've all made at least once, right? We were also tempted to knock through the hollow wall in my kitchen which led to the boiler, but I didn't think my Mum would be overtly enthused about us doing this, so decided against it somewhat.
Next, we headed to the top floor (people only hide dead bodies on the lowest and highest floors, fact!) to look in the attic. Scary! We have an insanely long attic in this house which just goes on forever, and I've only ever really stepped foot in there. So today I decided to go ALL the way to the end, knowing that as a gift for my brave actions I would be rewarded with... dead bodies. Oh. Fortunately, I was rewarded with a better gift - Nothing. I wish I could have at least found something though, I was treading very carefully to avoid collapsing through the ceiling or getting a face full of fibreglass.
Next up was the weird little door in Meg's room. I'd actually never thought about looking in here until this day, it's a scary little door where I imagined Meg might be keeping a slave or something. Alas, no such luck. The room was just another little extra attic, full of fibreglass, but very little else of interest. Dammit, I was sure there must be SOMETHING in there, it's the kind of door that is the staple of rubbish horror films. Oh well, whilst this search wasn't very specific, we have established that if this house did have previous serial killer occupants, they weren't lazy, and hid the bodies pretty well. Regardless of our results, we had fun searching.
My day with Jaffy was awesome, mainly because I told her a completely made-up story about Mum's dickhead boyfriend wanking in the garden and she believed it. I guess I was preparing for the next day's task, I kind of blew my load a day too early (though at least I didn't blow it in the garden). We then watched 'Family Guy' later that night, which I hadn't watched in so long that I've started finding it funny again. Just must remember not to overdo it this time. Words which the house's previous serial killer occupants were smart enough to take heed of. Otherwise I'm certain we would have found those damn bodies...