Thursday, 11 February 2010

Day 20: Today, search your house for bodies left over from any previous serial-killer occupants

Whilst I had plans to search the house for dead bodies on the 20th of January, it never happened. Why? Well, I had a busy, jam-packed schedule that left no time for finding cadavers around the house. Trust me though, I had plans of where to look. Not many, but plans regardless. But never to fear, trusted reader, you'll find out on my next blog entry that dead bodies were hunted for... Just on the wrong day. That's still tasking right? I still did it, just not on the day planned.

I can't actually remember what I did during the day (probably wasted valuable dead body hunting time), but in the evening I went to the cinema with Meg to see the critically-acclaimed 'All About Steve'. That's right, the one that has 6% on Rotten Tomatoes. I wanted to see it to understand what exactly was so bad about it, so was sort-of looking forward to it, sort-of not. As it turned out, it was actually decent. Neither me or Meg could figure out quite why it was so hated, it has a weird, very quirky sense of humour that I guess is an acquired taste, but kind of reminded me of 'Anchorman', a film which I adore and have probably spent half of my life quoting. Plus, it avoided a lot of cliches, so, really, I have to admire 'All About Steve'. Maybe I can get it to 7% on RT?

Later that evening, after a bus ride home where I found out that I guy I used to know from high school talks to himself about toast on buses, I met up with the lovely Jaffy at Dena's where we had a night of really quite deep conversation, music, and drinking (except I still wasn't drinking at this point). I can't honestly say I remember that much about the night, because I'm a bad person, but I'm sure we had a good time. And then... Well, who knows? Jaffy crashed at mine. And that's all I can remember. Bear in mind this was nearly a month ago. And that I'm a terrible person.

And thus, that concludes pretty much the shortest, most pointless blog entry I've ever done. So I'll end with a somewhat task-relevant quote from 'Anchorman', just because I feel like it;

"Brick, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should find yourself a safehouse, or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder."

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