Sunday, 15 August 2010

Days 220 - 226

Prepare for paragraph upon paragraph of the weakest tasking ever!

Day 220: Negative Thinking Day

I forgot to think negative all day. Which worked fine for me, seeing as I had a gig with my band, and it went ace, and my drumming went really well (that's not boasting, just proudness). At the very end of the day, I feared that terrorists may fly into Nicole and Alex's house, where I was staying for the weekend. Terrorists didn't fly into the house. I conclude that both positive and negative thinking work great.

Day 221: Sabotage focus groups today

I didn't do this. I could have at least phoned the number. But I didn't.

Day 222: Today stare into other people's homes

Nor did I do this. I briefly looked into people's houses through my own windows. By briefly I mean 'passing glances', pretty much.

Day 223: Today, make friends with the geniuses of tomorrow

Guess what? Oh yeah. I didn't do this. Shame, as I went to the museum with Jay on this day, would have been a good place to find genii.

Day 224: Today, Dance with Death

Nope, none of this. I didn't want to. Nearly dying scares me more than actually dying in a weird, weird way.

Day 225: Talk to a plant for at least one hour today

I considered doing this... But couldn't be bothered. Sorry.

Day 226: Internet Vigilante Day: Today police the internet yourself

I did do this! Honestly! I went on a random college chat room (after, ingeniously, Googling 'chat rooms'), took on my vigilante handle 'Rorschach' (guess which film I'd watched just before doing this?), and policed away. I chastised people on their use of curse words, or obscene language. I picked on one girl who was CRAZY about anal sex, but she just found it funny. One girl complained of her boyfriend harassing her, so I suggested to her that she ring the police or hire me to assassinate him. Although, she seemed to be the crazy one. And there was one constant spammer sending messages about loving to watch women get fucked by dogs, and inviting us to watch it with him. I told him this was illegal, he was going to jail for distributing such material, and the woman involved in the bestiality would be too. All this between constant Watchmen discussion with a fellow fan on the message board. I think this made up for my week of bad tasking beforehand.

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