Monday, 21 December 2009

Friday: Moniter the office toilet and discourage people from unnecessary flushing

I was planning to do this task at the Uni today by going into all the toilets, knocking on cubicle doors, telling people to only flush if strictly necessary, then run away. Well, the male toilets anyway, I wasn't down for getting a restraining order banishing me from being within a mile to every woman ever by going into the female toilets and casually chatting to the women about their flushing habits. I wonder if you can get a restraining order from an entire gender? That would be hilarious, but equally terrifying that someone could have actually been so creepy on such an insane level for that to happen.

Anyways, I didn't do this (the toilet knocking that is, not getting a restraining order), because I was working my balls off on my essays and my web project today. So much so that I never actually took a break for the toilet once. Although on my way from one building to another I did have a few snowball fights, 'cos the snow was AWESOME on Friday, it looked lush! I made the best snowball ever created - a snowball with a carrot cake in the middle. Yes, seriously. I saw a carrot cake sticking out of the snow, so I utilised it as part of my ultimate snow-based projectile. It was pretty far from ultimate actually, it didn't glide through the air partiularly well.

So, I got all my work done, a good 4-5 hours of solid work that day (save for snowball fight break), which I'm really proud about. I did have to rush a few final pieces because I left it a little bit late, but hopefully it will all be sufficient. Afterwards I went for Pizza Express with my Uni friends, which was, typically, lovely. I miss classes already, I was just starting to get to know everybody, but I'm looking really forward to the next term now.

Later that night I went to, you guessed it, Jay and Kate's (my new second home) for a night of mildly drunken follies. I can't remember much about this night to be honest, because I'm so delayed with my blogs right now, rest assured it was awesome though. I decided it would also be a good place to carry out my tasking, even if it wasn't a public toilet at all. Although it could be, homeowners should start opening their toilets to strangers for a mere sum. It's a brilliant money-making scheme I think. Anyway, first person to go to this toilet who wasn't me (I'm excluded from being the recipient of these tasks, just... well, because) was James Benham, aka Mr. Small ('cos their are too many James's, and my last name is Small, and I'm small, and he's tall - it's all very confusing). As he went to the toilet I chased him up the stairs and knocked on the door. He opens it (he wasn't peeing yet) and I tell him that he must only flush if strictly necessary. He asks why and I explain that it's because the toilet is a bit broken, which is a complete lie. He really believes me for a minute, until I got increasingly ridiculous (I can't remember how) and he told me to fuck off.

Throughout the night I also told anyone who was going to the toilet to only flush if necessary. Always to a reply of 'Yes, James'. Their may have been sarcasm in their replies, but I didn't notice any! Later on I told Benham (sorry, calling him by my last name is way too confusing) that he should mind his flushing again. To the reply of 'fuck off', again. Not particularly funny to read, but the way he delivered it was perfect. Good times!

Walking home that night was doubly lush. The snow had iced over and was really glossy and glittery, and it looked beautiful. There's no point beyond this paragraph than my observation that the snow looked lush. But it really, really did.

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