Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Pre-Christmas Mini-Christmas Sleepover Extravaganza!

No tasking yesterday, but I love blogging about my days so I'm going to blog about it. Because it was an awesome day. Which was lovely. And definitely very awesome! Prepare for me to use that word a lot in the following entry...

It's the morning after sleeping over at Jay and Kate's. I wasn't feeling the best, I was slightly hungover and I didn't get very much sleep at all the night before, maybe an hour or two, if that? I dunno what time I fell asleep, so it doesn't matter really. I'll have to buy a sleepometor, a new device I just invented that somehow manages to calculate the exact time the user falls asleep for to the very second. I don't know why anyone would want this, but I do know that people probably would. To be fair, I'd be very curious. I may have to approach Dragon's Den with this one. I don't really sleep well anywhere that isn't my bed, and last night I was on the sofa, which was pretty comfy, but... y' know, it's just not quite my bed.

My grogginess aside, when Kate woke up we went upstairs (even though she was strictly speaking already upstairs, but she came downstairs after being upstairs) to go feed the babies. Well, Kate changed their nappies. It was hideous. How can such small people create such a huge amount of poo? Where do they store it? Disgusting, but somewhat incredible. I amused Annabelle very much, because she loves me for some weird reason, but I can never amuse Emily, she's a tough one. Meech and Chris joined a little later, and we watched 'Kung-Fu Panda' in the background. Which is, as the warrior panda may say himself, awesomeness.

We then went downstairs and, all in pyjamas in true Christmas spirit, opened our presents to and from each other. I got Jay a cuddly MRSA superbug virus, because I know she loves diseases (not actually contracting the diseases I hasten to add, she just finds them fascinating), and now she's obssessed with the GiantMicrobes range. I bought Chris THE Book. Yup, 'This Book Will Change Your Life'. We look forward to attempting some tasks together. Meech's present wasn't through yet unfortunately, but hopefully will be soon.

From Chris I got the 'Wanted' graphic novel, which I very much 'wanted' (HAHA, SO FUNNY!). I've only read bits so far, but it's awesome. Completely different from the film, and one of the most fucked-up things I've ever read. From Jay and Kate I got a notepad, which also doubles as a copy of 'Director' magazine, with my name emblazoned on the front (because I aspire to one day direct films), one of those personified things you can buy. Awesome! An early taste of future success! I will use it to keep all my film ideas and notes in. And from Meech I got 'Inglourious Basterds' on DVD, which is awesome because I absolutely LOVE that film. In fact, it's my second or third favourite film of the year, I haven't quite decided yet, but definitely one of the two! Wicked presents all around! Love you guys!

I then had to go home for a bit to look after Hannah, which was a bit annoying because I was missing out on fun at my second home, but didn't mind, it gave me a chance to have a shower, which was desperately needed for my hungover state, and play a bit of bass, because I hadn't had a chance to play it in a while.

Later I went back to Jay and Kate's for a bit. We planned to watch 'Love, Actually', but didn't get around to it. We instead just lazed around a bit, had chips and curry sauce, watched a documentary about an exploding whale, and then started watching a depressing documentary about the death of Michael Jackson. So, documentaries about death, basically. 'Love, Actually' may have been a bit more cheerful, but I've never seen it before, so maybe I'm being lead on to believe it's a super-happy film when it's actually the most depressing film of all time, and makes 'Requiem For A Dream' look like an episode of 'Tellytubbies'. I strongly doubt it, but at least now I'm prepared if it IS the most depressing film ever.

Later, when I got home, I gladly accepted bethwhowishes as my Benrik partner. Which is pretty exciting, and made me feel happy that someone wanted to be my Benrik partner. And we've since vowed to be better at it than any other Benrik partners. So beware!

All in all, life's great right now. In fact, I might even say that it's... What's the word?...



  1. We should watch Love Actually soon :) I haven't seen it either... maybe it'll make us feel Christmasy after Christmas is gone :p

  2. Oh God, I wish Requiem For A Dream was like the Tellytubbies!
    Ass to Ass.

  3. Yeah, we definitely need to see Love Actually soon =)

    Ass to ass! Lmao, I still think that the guy who yells that was robbed of an Oscar... =p

  4. Theres a group on Facebook called 'Ass to Ass' and its a photo of that guy shouting it!
    David wants to join it but obviously if his mum saw it she would be a bit worried... =p

  5. Lmao, that's a very good point, seeing that someone's a fan of 'Ass to Ass' without being knowledged about Requiem For A Dream would be quite worrying... =p
