Shiiiit! I've been so busy lately I haven't updated at all! On the week that I am about to document I was bogged down with essays, and this week I've been out lots to make up for the previous week. AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! =s So here's last week's antics, I'll update this week's another time!
This week I was celebrating Rat Race Week, which meant I merely had to be competitive in everything I did... Good times! I'm not naturally a very competitive person, so it was fun to have an excuse to be so =)
First things first - Beating others in the street. No, not physically beating them up, just competing with them. When picking up Hannah from school, I made sure that we ran in front of a family in the street. And then just walked normally as soon as we were in front of them. Good times!
At dinner we had Grandma and Maurice over, and I made sure that I was gonna eat my dinner quicker than anyone else. Meg and I had planned this earlier, but then she forgot about it, so I screwed her over by not reminding her. She was disqualified anyway, for not finishing her dinner. Strictly speaking she finished quicker than me, but she didn't eat it all, so I won. Hells yeah!
I also had the least profiteroles for dessert. This isn't actually true, but I did toy with this idea, but y'know... Profiteroles... Couldn't miss out on that shit! I then helped mum, because no one else was, thus I was nicer than anyone else... Competitiveness makes me do nice things
Meg challenged me to a peppercorn eating contest. It started off okay, eating little grains or a single peppercorn, but ended with three at the same time. Which doesn't sound that much, but trust me, it was spicy as shit! Still, this means I won!
That night I hung out with Amanda. While going to get our 'edible milkshakes' (natch) she dared me to get a peach one - very daring! Being very competitive I got one... It was very nice. We rocked out at mine and watched a Bad Religion DVD, which she lent to me, but I haven't gotten around to watching yet. Must get on that soon! She's on holiday at the mo, and I hope she's having an awesome time =)
I don't think I did any of my task, or anything else for that matter. I was working on essays most of this week, so I didn't have much time to chillax unfortunately.
Read above. I'm not very good at this task doing stuff.
I made sure that I got on the bus before someone else. This isn't particularly competitive, seeing as I was queueing anyway, but we'll pretend it was...
Got essays in - AWESOME! My second year at Uni is officially over!!!... Until I inevitably have to retake it again for failing a few modules that is... Oh well. Such is life. I'll rant about it at a later time, like when I have to actually retake it.
The guys in my class were going to a 5-a-side football tournament after this essay giving in, but one of their players, Aedden, didn't come in until really late. In fact, I kinda wonder why he bothered giving in his essays that late, it was way past the deadline. I guess they'll still be marked, but still... Should have at least used the oppertunity to work on them for another month or two. I was their substitute for Aedden, until he did come in at the last minute. I was gonna be potential rolling sub with Aedden, but I didn't actually play. Not that I minded, considering I don't really like football it was actually a lot of fun just supporting them, being their mascot, and yelling out football techniques that don't exist (LEFT ROTOR! VENUS FLYTRAP! etc.). Besides, I'm sure I would have just let the team down if I had have played. We lost out to some arrogant fucking cocks (one of them actually had a little move he pulled to the audience when he scored a goal - EXCEPT THERE WAS NO FUCKING AUDIENCE!), but it was fun so we didn't mind. Okay, we were a little annoyed we weren't playing against the class Jar Jar, who we call Sanchez, Rodriguez, Ahmed, David (nothing to do with the two actual Davids who I know), and, yes, Jar Jar. None of these are his actual name. Yes, I am mean, but he's an utter twat, so I couldn't care less. He's annoying, arrogant, and just generally cuntish (he insulted me for my fashion sense, despite the fact he wears the same clothes every day). Sorry. Rant over. I had to justify why we're mean to him though...
Didn't do any task. I'd run out of ideas of things to compete in. Although I think I played Mario Kart against Hannah for a bit, I probably did get a little competitive, intentionally or otherwise...
My mum, grandma, and Hannah left for holiday in Malta on this day. I miss you all, hope you're having a great time!
Didn't do any of my task. Meg actually challenged me to get her chips (doesn't sound like much of a challenge, we were chillaxing at the beach at the time though), but it was only because she was being lazy. I was being lazy too, thus why I didn't do it...
Spend the day at the beach with Meg, Chloe and Michelle. We didn't do much, we just sat down and talked, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. All this week there had been a gothy girl following me around, and she was at the beach too! Scary! There was also another element to this story, but I don't know if I should admit it on the internet, or I'll go to prison. I doubt I will, as I didn't really do anything wrong, but it's slightly dodgy nonetheless...
Meg went at some point, and Joseph joined us. I performed a show for them all, which involved me doing various things behind a wall (walking down stairs, using an elevator, riding a segway, riding a unicycle, etc.). It was a lot of fun, and I will definitely be performing my beautiful art at Meech's birthday party... We also decided to see how far forward/back our phone calenders would go. Me and Joseph went backwards, where I got to 1980 and he got to about 1997 or something. Michelle and Chloe went forward, Meech got to 2098, I can't remember where Chloe got to, but her phone froze when she got really far. Blast!
Later that night, Joseph told us that one of the bins behind Tesco is always unlocked, and that they throw new stuff away in there. So, naturally, we decided to raid it. We (well, Joseph), found an Air Wick thing, a 15 pack of Carlsberg, a 6 pack of croissants, and an 8 pack of milk. We stole it all. We started to drink some of the lager, but Chloe and I didn't like it. Still, the croissants were lovely, and the milk was part of a delicious macaroni cheese the next day! It was such a fucking crazy night, I loved it, it was so spontaneous, and Chloe, Joseph and I just had an awesome time, I wish there were more nights like that, where things aren't planned, they just happen. It was so awesome, I was hyped-up and laughing all night. Thank you for a lovely night Chloe and Joseph!
Also, at some point of this week, I downloaded the School Of Seven Bells single 'My Cabal', which featured a Jesu remix of 'Face To Face On High Places'. I won't go for a whole review right now, but rest assured, the Jesu remix is amazing. I had to mention this because I am quite possibly the world's biggest Jesu fan. And that's not a boast, it sucks being so into them sometimes. That is all.
Peace out, homies =D
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Monday, 18 May 2009
Who's Who Week
Again, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy / lazy (delete as applicable). Considering this week's task was so little though, I'm gonna say that I was being lazy. Because I probably was.
Who's Who Week was pretty simple - All I had to do was write up a CV about myself, then send it off to Who's Who is a book published yearly that lists great people - anyone's who's made a big achievement of some sort, whether famous or not. New additions this year are Daniel Craig (boo!) and Barack Obama (yay!). I feel I've certainly accomplished more than these guys, so no doubt I will get in! I do love the fact that Who's Who probably got a bizarre influx of CVs from people who are just completely normal last week.
I didn't do anything to sort out my week's task today, I totally spaced on it. My bad.
I spent most of the day (okay, six hours of it, that's a quarter) editing my advert I made the other week. I did feel a bit weird having to constantly rewatch and edit a woman in a shower in a class full of people. Still, I got most of the editing done, despite there being quite a few errors that would be hard for an amateur like me to work around (you can see the towel she's wearing in some shots!). The worst issue came the next day though...
I spaced out. Again. Don't worry, I do actually do the task, I guess I wasn't so anxious to get this one done with 'cos it's so simple.
More editing today, yay! We realised that I didn't have a voiceover for my advert - and a voiceover was quite important to the coherence of the advert. Shit. I put on a girly voice, badly, and recorded it, but then we realised there was no way of getting it on to the computer. Shitter! So, eventually I finished editing, albeit with no voiceover, and thus, not a lot of coherence. Still, Bam said it was fine. Bam's advert was awesome, Aedden's, the other guy in our group, also had an awesome advert, plus a super trippy Spongebob one (we had to make an animated advert too). We were finally done! Except... We'd finished too late. Our hand-in time was 12, and we finished about half 1 or so. So our stuff didn't get accepted. Shittest!! However, it will eventually be marked, though probably marked down for lateness, could be worse. We watched the other group's adverts, they were all awesome apart from one particular group's. They used Beecher, a band I happen to love, as an example of bad music in one of their adverts, so fuck them! Then went to the pub for a bit with the lads. An annoying fuck who we call by any name that isn't his actual name came along later, and annoyed me. Gah. He annoys me. In case you hadn't figured that out.
Later that night I hung out with Amanda, it's a Tuesday tradition. I can't remember much of what happened, 'cos I have the memory of an amnesiac goldfish, but regardless, it was awesome.
Finally got my shit sorted. I went on the Who's Who website to check out exactly what it was about. I wrote up my CV. It's a CV to be proud of.

I edited details that either a) Might make people steal my identity or b) Are horribly embarassing. That's my career then. I sent it, then sent it again because I got the e-mail address wrong first time around. Yeah, I'm stupid... I awaited a reply, but I don't think they send them. So yep, my task for the week is done!
There are some bonus tasks in the back of the book, which I've been planning to do because I'm now free of my week's task, but I never got around to doing them. Considering the first one involves going to Pakistan and fighting for the Jihad, I've been trying to think of some way to do this without actually going to Pakistan and fighting for the Jihad... As fun as that sounds and all...
In our lesson today we watched Set It Off, which I personally think is a pretty good film, even if the whole class didn't agree. I'd give it 4/5 for being a fun piece of escapism.
I didn't do any tasks. But it's hard to give a shit when you're at...
...Thorpe Park!!! Went to this rather fantabulous place with Meg, her boyfriend Dave, and Emily. We had an awesome time, we went on every single rollercoaster in the park. The Saw ride was awesome, and was shit-scary. Air pistols, darkness, unexpected drops, the fear of being splashed with bodily fluids, and the scariest fucking climb in a rollercoaster ever. Loved it! Also went on the Colossus, which was one of my rollercoasters to go on before I die. 'It's a good day to come to Thorpe Park' was our motto of the day, as we miraculously avoided the occasional rain, and queues weren't too bad at all. We also went on the Tidal Wave four times in a row, which was insane. We were very wet... VERY wet. Somehow we escaped without hypothermia. Was an awesome day. Thank you Meg, Emily and Dave for the awesomeness =D
Didn't do any tasks.
Or anything interesting for that matter. So there's not much to write about here.
No tasks. I will do them eventually, promise.
In the evening we went to Alex's party. It was damn fun, and everyone played a lot of the Star Trek pinball machine. Was cool to catch up with people who I hadn't seen since last year, and I might be able to get into a band with any luck, seeing as Alex's mum knows some people who need a drummer. Yay! The barbecue food was lush too, Alex's BBQ is an MI6 BBQ apparently, so is very flash. It's not actually an MI6 BBQ, though if they were to use a BBQ I'd suspect they'd use this one. Awesome evening!
So that's that for Who's Who Week... Next week (well, this week actually)... Rat Race Week. I'll let you know what it's all about on my next blog, but rest assured it's gonna be fuuuuuuun.
Love y'all
Sunday, 10 May 2009
No Small Talk Week
I would begin this entry with a 'hi' maybe, or a 'yo' if you're particularly lucky, but it's No Small Talk Week so strictly speaking I can't. Although, as you're about to see, I really haven't tried this week. Like, at all.
Firstly, sorry (as if you need an apology for me not talking, you're probably grateful!) that I haven't updated in a while, I've had a busy week of virtually doing nothing. I have had time to blog, but I've been far too lazy. So, yeah, sorry, my fault!
Anyways, I never let you know how Saturday's night of sleep went did I? I dropped some lavender oil into a cup of hot water, as this apparently also helps with sleep. Hence me buying the lavender oil. I also went 30 minutes without 'information' (TV or computer, basically, although surely books and music and stuff are information too?) before sleep. And the sleep? Not really that great. No different than a normal night of sleep for me. Probably a bit worse 'cos I was thinking about sleeping. Oh wells.
I saw State Of Play in the day with mah sister Meg. Was a really good solid thriller, I enjoyed it a lot, so I'll give it a 4 out of 5.
I realised that I forgot my 'sleep exercises' the previous night. So I tried them out tonight just before sleep. There was the Inversion, in which you lean your legs up against a wall while your back's on the floor. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Wrong. Dead wrong. It was sooooooo fucking painful, really was. Three minutes of it too. If attempting to sleep with an aching back and legs helps you sleep, then this is perfect! The second one was called the Corpse, which sounds more unpleasant, but actually wasn't. Just required me to lay on bed, arms and legs spread. That's it. Not too shabby. I can't remember how this affected my sleep. I'm sure it did wonders however.
It's officially No Small Talk Week! Except I really didn't comply. Well, I tried a bit, but it was hard, especially when I had to walk my little sister Hannah into town. My way around this was by sometimes avoiding small talk by mentioning it was small talk, in much the same way I did at the beginning of this blog. But really, it's far too hard, it's difficult to even think about it constantly in the first place. So screw it, I'll try harder. Right? I'll try...
I watched The 40 Year-Old Virgin in the evening. It's very good, not as good as a lot of similar comedies, but it is funny, and has an amazing cast, pretty much everyone's funny. Especially cuddly Rogen-bear! 4 stars!
My no small talking went better. Actually, I don't know. I really didn't think about it. It's too hard.
Today I had to film a girl in a shower. Not as creepy as it sounds. Y'see, in my film and media course we're making adverts, and mine was for some showering product. Bam, who's working on the ads with me, and his friend Leonie, the victim of the showering, came around mine, and we filmed away. It's strange directing a half naked girl (she was wearing a towel to cover her modesty, which was the heaviest towel in the world after the shower), I really don't think I'd be good directing porn. Certainly wouldn't stop me from trying though... Hey, Stanley Kubrick wanted to do it, and he's a legend, don't judge me! But in all seriousness, it was very, very strange, but fun in how different and out-there it was to do.
Really didn't think about no small talking. At all. Sorry.
I spent the day with Chloe and her college buddies Dayna and Sian and Harriet (I think that was her name), and some guy who's name I definitely didn't know. He was very nice though, like they all are. We first went to Tesco to buy food, and lots of bread, or, as Dayna specified, 'delicious bread'. We didn't think we'd gotten enough food to eat. We got to the beach to have a picnic and realised we'd bought WAAAAY too much food. A bird shat on all of us except Dayna. That's right, one bird, the fucker showered us in an airstrike shit. The seagulls were congregating against us anyway, they formed a little gang and slowly came towards us. Scary bastards. We picked up our litter, and Chloe and I 'blobbed' it into the litter bag, it's a complex procedure that involves shouting 'BLOB' everytime you dump a piece of rubbish.
We went to the pier arcade and shot some zombies, and some peeps danced. However, they weren't fulfilled by this dancing. They needed more...
So we want to Mannings arcade. Where we all danced. On the dance machine in case you're wondering why we were randomly dancing. It was fucking exhausting. Chloe and I played the old-skool Simpsons beat-em-up game. Only Bart and Homer would work though, which we felt was rather sexist. We accidentally pumped too many 20p's into it and were playing for much longer than intended. It payed off though, as Chloe got the highest score and I got the third highest score. Yeah boi!
Chloe and I 'blobbed' up some songs (specifically My Heart Will Go On), and she bought a magazine and got a bit too much into the disgusting sex bits. I learned that you can buy stuff that makes your semen taste of apple. The more you know!
That night Chloe and I talked for about three and a half hours on MSN, you can't shut us two up once we're started. We really did talk about everything I think, it was really nice and deep and funny, and she made me feel better about the fact that I'm possibly the only single person in the world. Chloe's my friend! ^_^
No small talk? Didn't happen. Really, really didn't happen.
In class we watched Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which really is a bad film. I mean, it has good moments, but for every good moment there's a lot of talk about taxation and boring shit like that, and, worst of all, fucking Jar Jar. Fuck fucking Jar Jar, he really is the worst character in the history of anything, ever. 2 stars, for some good action scenes. That's being generous.
After my lesson I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine with Meg. It was okay, but I didn't expect it to be good so I wasn't disappointed. It was fairly entertaining, and was cool to see some characters up on the big screen. But, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO DEADPOOL? AND WHY DID YOU DO IT? Seriously, that was some inexcusable shit. There were some awful special effects too. I gave it 3 stars at the time, but I think in retrospect it's probably a 2 star film, it's very unfulfilling. Far superior to Star Wars though...
There was no no small talking. I've really done good this week.
In the evening Dave and Chloe and Michelle and Dayna and I went to see Coraline, which I thought was fantastic, it really is a beautiful film, so I gave it 5 stars, however, I think I was the only one in the group who really liked it, the rest merely thought it was okay.
After that Dayna departed, but a LOT of people joined as we went to see Star Trek. Two amazing films in one evening, nice! This was rather superb, a pacy, fun action fest which has everything a good blockbuster needs - action, comedy, charismatic characters, ace special effects, babes, and Simon Pegg. I had a few minor niggles, although that's kind of to be expected considering I grew up on Star Trek, but overall it was rather lovely, 5 stars!
There was a long conversation about tea-bagging on the way home. It is a fantastic topic, let's not lie.
Fuck, this is long. I didn't bother not small talking.
In the evening I hung out with Amanda. We talked a lot about tattoos, and about her forthcoming holiday. We went out to buy 'drinkable milkshakes' too (it's what she accidentally called a yoghurt drink once, and it's a great term, it's kind of stuck ever since). Had a really nice evening, I like just staying in and chatting to a friend =)
I told myself I wouldn't small talk. But i didn't bother trying. To be fair, I probably don't do it TOO much anyway, the best way around it I guess is to not think about it.
Went to Wimpy for lunch. Yummers! Then went to go see Coraline again in the evening, this time with Meg and her boyfriend Dave. It really is bloody good, it was even better a second time. WAAAAAY to scary for kids though, it's genuinely scarier than most modern horror films.
Anyways, this has gone on forever. Congratulations if you've actually read all this. You're stupid, but congratulations regardless. Next week - Who's Who Week. Which will be easy as, in direct contrast to the week I've just explained.
Peace and love
Firstly, sorry (as if you need an apology for me not talking, you're probably grateful!) that I haven't updated in a while, I've had a busy week of virtually doing nothing. I have had time to blog, but I've been far too lazy. So, yeah, sorry, my fault!
Anyways, I never let you know how Saturday's night of sleep went did I? I dropped some lavender oil into a cup of hot water, as this apparently also helps with sleep. Hence me buying the lavender oil. I also went 30 minutes without 'information' (TV or computer, basically, although surely books and music and stuff are information too?) before sleep. And the sleep? Not really that great. No different than a normal night of sleep for me. Probably a bit worse 'cos I was thinking about sleeping. Oh wells.
I saw State Of Play in the day with mah sister Meg. Was a really good solid thriller, I enjoyed it a lot, so I'll give it a 4 out of 5.
I realised that I forgot my 'sleep exercises' the previous night. So I tried them out tonight just before sleep. There was the Inversion, in which you lean your legs up against a wall while your back's on the floor. Doesn't sound too bad does it? Wrong. Dead wrong. It was sooooooo fucking painful, really was. Three minutes of it too. If attempting to sleep with an aching back and legs helps you sleep, then this is perfect! The second one was called the Corpse, which sounds more unpleasant, but actually wasn't. Just required me to lay on bed, arms and legs spread. That's it. Not too shabby. I can't remember how this affected my sleep. I'm sure it did wonders however.
It's officially No Small Talk Week! Except I really didn't comply. Well, I tried a bit, but it was hard, especially when I had to walk my little sister Hannah into town. My way around this was by sometimes avoiding small talk by mentioning it was small talk, in much the same way I did at the beginning of this blog. But really, it's far too hard, it's difficult to even think about it constantly in the first place. So screw it, I'll try harder. Right? I'll try...
I watched The 40 Year-Old Virgin in the evening. It's very good, not as good as a lot of similar comedies, but it is funny, and has an amazing cast, pretty much everyone's funny. Especially cuddly Rogen-bear! 4 stars!
My no small talking went better. Actually, I don't know. I really didn't think about it. It's too hard.
Today I had to film a girl in a shower. Not as creepy as it sounds. Y'see, in my film and media course we're making adverts, and mine was for some showering product. Bam, who's working on the ads with me, and his friend Leonie, the victim of the showering, came around mine, and we filmed away. It's strange directing a half naked girl (she was wearing a towel to cover her modesty, which was the heaviest towel in the world after the shower), I really don't think I'd be good directing porn. Certainly wouldn't stop me from trying though... Hey, Stanley Kubrick wanted to do it, and he's a legend, don't judge me! But in all seriousness, it was very, very strange, but fun in how different and out-there it was to do.
Really didn't think about no small talking. At all. Sorry.
I spent the day with Chloe and her college buddies Dayna and Sian and Harriet (I think that was her name), and some guy who's name I definitely didn't know. He was very nice though, like they all are. We first went to Tesco to buy food, and lots of bread, or, as Dayna specified, 'delicious bread'. We didn't think we'd gotten enough food to eat. We got to the beach to have a picnic and realised we'd bought WAAAAY too much food. A bird shat on all of us except Dayna. That's right, one bird, the fucker showered us in an airstrike shit. The seagulls were congregating against us anyway, they formed a little gang and slowly came towards us. Scary bastards. We picked up our litter, and Chloe and I 'blobbed' it into the litter bag, it's a complex procedure that involves shouting 'BLOB' everytime you dump a piece of rubbish.
We went to the pier arcade and shot some zombies, and some peeps danced. However, they weren't fulfilled by this dancing. They needed more...
So we want to Mannings arcade. Where we all danced. On the dance machine in case you're wondering why we were randomly dancing. It was fucking exhausting. Chloe and I played the old-skool Simpsons beat-em-up game. Only Bart and Homer would work though, which we felt was rather sexist. We accidentally pumped too many 20p's into it and were playing for much longer than intended. It payed off though, as Chloe got the highest score and I got the third highest score. Yeah boi!
Chloe and I 'blobbed' up some songs (specifically My Heart Will Go On), and she bought a magazine and got a bit too much into the disgusting sex bits. I learned that you can buy stuff that makes your semen taste of apple. The more you know!
That night Chloe and I talked for about three and a half hours on MSN, you can't shut us two up once we're started. We really did talk about everything I think, it was really nice and deep and funny, and she made me feel better about the fact that I'm possibly the only single person in the world. Chloe's my friend! ^_^
No small talk? Didn't happen. Really, really didn't happen.
In class we watched Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, which really is a bad film. I mean, it has good moments, but for every good moment there's a lot of talk about taxation and boring shit like that, and, worst of all, fucking Jar Jar. Fuck fucking Jar Jar, he really is the worst character in the history of anything, ever. 2 stars, for some good action scenes. That's being generous.
After my lesson I went to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine with Meg. It was okay, but I didn't expect it to be good so I wasn't disappointed. It was fairly entertaining, and was cool to see some characters up on the big screen. But, WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO DEADPOOL? AND WHY DID YOU DO IT? Seriously, that was some inexcusable shit. There were some awful special effects too. I gave it 3 stars at the time, but I think in retrospect it's probably a 2 star film, it's very unfulfilling. Far superior to Star Wars though...
There was no no small talking. I've really done good this week.
In the evening Dave and Chloe and Michelle and Dayna and I went to see Coraline, which I thought was fantastic, it really is a beautiful film, so I gave it 5 stars, however, I think I was the only one in the group who really liked it, the rest merely thought it was okay.
After that Dayna departed, but a LOT of people joined as we went to see Star Trek. Two amazing films in one evening, nice! This was rather superb, a pacy, fun action fest which has everything a good blockbuster needs - action, comedy, charismatic characters, ace special effects, babes, and Simon Pegg. I had a few minor niggles, although that's kind of to be expected considering I grew up on Star Trek, but overall it was rather lovely, 5 stars!
There was a long conversation about tea-bagging on the way home. It is a fantastic topic, let's not lie.
Fuck, this is long. I didn't bother not small talking.
In the evening I hung out with Amanda. We talked a lot about tattoos, and about her forthcoming holiday. We went out to buy 'drinkable milkshakes' too (it's what she accidentally called a yoghurt drink once, and it's a great term, it's kind of stuck ever since). Had a really nice evening, I like just staying in and chatting to a friend =)
I told myself I wouldn't small talk. But i didn't bother trying. To be fair, I probably don't do it TOO much anyway, the best way around it I guess is to not think about it.
Went to Wimpy for lunch. Yummers! Then went to go see Coraline again in the evening, this time with Meg and her boyfriend Dave. It really is bloody good, it was even better a second time. WAAAAAY to scary for kids though, it's genuinely scarier than most modern horror films.
Anyways, this has gone on forever. Congratulations if you've actually read all this. You're stupid, but congratulations regardless. Next week - Who's Who Week. Which will be easy as, in direct contrast to the week I've just explained.
Peace and love
Saturday, 2 May 2009
Follow Opposite Gender Magazine's Instructions Week
Thursday night:
Tonight I decided I will begin to undertake my Herculian task. It turns out that on Thursday night I was hanging out with my lovely friend Amanda. Our hanging out was because we're friends by the way, I wasn't exploiting her for the sake of this task in case you think I'm a twat. She asked if she could borrow Igby Goes Down on DVD, which seemed like a perfect oppertunity for a swapola - DVD for a copy of a girly magazine. Of course, she obliged, so I currently have the current issue of Cosmopolitan to refer to when I'm needing advice. Hanging out at Amanda's was lots of fun as usual... We watched Bones, which I'd never seen before, and is a pretty damn good show (it helped that the episode was about the Black Metal scene - always good for a laugh). Anyways, I got home, and while on the computer and flicking through the issue (the computer is painfully slow) I looked for advice... Lo and behold, towards the back of the issue (page 187 for reference), was a page on exercises. One section was entitled 'Exercise From Your Desk' - Perfect!
Go for a sitting run
Sitting at the front of your chair, jog your knees up and down as fast as you can for about 30 seconds. Great for beating that sluggish 'when-can-I-go-home?' feeling.
I was already home, so I can't say it really helped with that feeling much. And I felt a bit weird doing it to be honest, but I suppose that was a feeling I'd have to get used to. Are people supposed to do this at their workplaces? Really?
The second exercise involved squeezing a jumper between your knees (yes, really), but as I'm a lazy shit and had no jumper in the room with me I passed on that one. Onto number 3 then...
Knee Press
Put your hands on teh outside of your knees. Press your knees outwards against your hands as hard as you can, until you feel your arm and chest msucles working. Hold for five seconds, release and repeat 10 times.
This was surprisingly strenuous, especially the amount and length you have to do. However, I didn't feel as much of an idiot doing it, so it wasn't too bad.
Page 183 (the back of the magazine was a haven for advice) featured some lovely salad recipies. We didn't have some of the ingredients needed, so my sister Meg and I decided to make tuna salad anyways. It was yummy, and made me feel good... Though I did have a Burger King later that evening, so that kinda fucked up my lunch I suppose.
In the evening I met up with my lovely friend Chloe. She needed a poo. Just thought I'd let you know. We met up with Jo and Dan and we saw The Uninvited. I was expecting it to be shit, but it was actually a lot of fun. Chloe and I had a lot of laughs that evening, though I think the majority of our conversations did actually revolve around fecal matter.
Later I went to Nicole and Alex's, my other sister and her girlfriend (I'm explaining all this on the off chance that you don't know me by the way. If you do know me, you can always copy and paste this to a word document and delete the stuff you know. Sounds practical). We went D'n'Ding as per usual. Nicole said that I'm cheating by not actually buying a copy of a girly magazine, as it states in the book. However, I'm gonna cheat a lot, so it doesn't matter too much. Later that night I tried out the 'Flex To Feel Sexy' exercise. I tell you what, I felt sexy and then some. It was this really weird yoga-esque shit. It involved touching the palms of my feet together, then bringing them towards me as close as possible, then lowering my knees as far as possible. Sound painful? Oh yes, it was. Especially held for five minutes. While breathing deeply. Good times.
Tonight I'm going to sleep well, as per page 191. I had breakfast within half an hour of waking up (actually, my consumption of it breached the half hour mark), as apparently it 'captures my metabolic window'. Sure thing. On my way home I bought some lavender oil (you'll find out why in my next blog). I got a nice little sheet with information about lavender oil on it. I've also taken a few three-minute rests during the day. The rest comes later, so I'll let y'all know on my next blog how my sleep went.
Peace out xoxox
Tonight I decided I will begin to undertake my Herculian task. It turns out that on Thursday night I was hanging out with my lovely friend Amanda. Our hanging out was because we're friends by the way, I wasn't exploiting her for the sake of this task in case you think I'm a twat. She asked if she could borrow Igby Goes Down on DVD, which seemed like a perfect oppertunity for a swapola - DVD for a copy of a girly magazine. Of course, she obliged, so I currently have the current issue of Cosmopolitan to refer to when I'm needing advice. Hanging out at Amanda's was lots of fun as usual... We watched Bones, which I'd never seen before, and is a pretty damn good show (it helped that the episode was about the Black Metal scene - always good for a laugh). Anyways, I got home, and while on the computer and flicking through the issue (the computer is painfully slow) I looked for advice... Lo and behold, towards the back of the issue (page 187 for reference), was a page on exercises. One section was entitled 'Exercise From Your Desk' - Perfect!
Go for a sitting run
Sitting at the front of your chair, jog your knees up and down as fast as you can for about 30 seconds. Great for beating that sluggish 'when-can-I-go-home?' feeling.
I was already home, so I can't say it really helped with that feeling much. And I felt a bit weird doing it to be honest, but I suppose that was a feeling I'd have to get used to. Are people supposed to do this at their workplaces? Really?
The second exercise involved squeezing a jumper between your knees (yes, really), but as I'm a lazy shit and had no jumper in the room with me I passed on that one. Onto number 3 then...
Knee Press
Put your hands on teh outside of your knees. Press your knees outwards against your hands as hard as you can, until you feel your arm and chest msucles working. Hold for five seconds, release and repeat 10 times.
This was surprisingly strenuous, especially the amount and length you have to do. However, I didn't feel as much of an idiot doing it, so it wasn't too bad.
Page 183 (the back of the magazine was a haven for advice) featured some lovely salad recipies. We didn't have some of the ingredients needed, so my sister Meg and I decided to make tuna salad anyways. It was yummy, and made me feel good... Though I did have a Burger King later that evening, so that kinda fucked up my lunch I suppose.
In the evening I met up with my lovely friend Chloe. She needed a poo. Just thought I'd let you know. We met up with Jo and Dan and we saw The Uninvited. I was expecting it to be shit, but it was actually a lot of fun. Chloe and I had a lot of laughs that evening, though I think the majority of our conversations did actually revolve around fecal matter.
Later I went to Nicole and Alex's, my other sister and her girlfriend (I'm explaining all this on the off chance that you don't know me by the way. If you do know me, you can always copy and paste this to a word document and delete the stuff you know. Sounds practical). We went D'n'Ding as per usual. Nicole said that I'm cheating by not actually buying a copy of a girly magazine, as it states in the book. However, I'm gonna cheat a lot, so it doesn't matter too much. Later that night I tried out the 'Flex To Feel Sexy' exercise. I tell you what, I felt sexy and then some. It was this really weird yoga-esque shit. It involved touching the palms of my feet together, then bringing them towards me as close as possible, then lowering my knees as far as possible. Sound painful? Oh yes, it was. Especially held for five minutes. While breathing deeply. Good times.
Tonight I'm going to sleep well, as per page 191. I had breakfast within half an hour of waking up (actually, my consumption of it breached the half hour mark), as apparently it 'captures my metabolic window'. Sure thing. On my way home I bought some lavender oil (you'll find out why in my next blog). I got a nice little sheet with information about lavender oil on it. I've also taken a few three-minute rests during the day. The rest comes later, so I'll let y'all know on my next blog how my sleep went.
Peace out xoxox
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