Again, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy / lazy (delete as applicable). Considering this week's task was so little though, I'm gonna say that I was being lazy. Because I probably was.
Who's Who Week was pretty simple - All I had to do was write up a CV about myself, then send it off to Who's Who is a book published yearly that lists great people - anyone's who's made a big achievement of some sort, whether famous or not. New additions this year are Daniel Craig (boo!) and Barack Obama (yay!). I feel I've certainly accomplished more than these guys, so no doubt I will get in! I do love the fact that Who's Who probably got a bizarre influx of CVs from people who are just completely normal last week.
I didn't do anything to sort out my week's task today, I totally spaced on it. My bad.
I spent most of the day (okay, six hours of it, that's a quarter) editing my advert I made the other week. I did feel a bit weird having to constantly rewatch and edit a woman in a shower in a class full of people. Still, I got most of the editing done, despite there being quite a few errors that would be hard for an amateur like me to work around (you can see the towel she's wearing in some shots!). The worst issue came the next day though...
I spaced out. Again. Don't worry, I do actually do the task, I guess I wasn't so anxious to get this one done with 'cos it's so simple.
More editing today, yay! We realised that I didn't have a voiceover for my advert - and a voiceover was quite important to the coherence of the advert. Shit. I put on a girly voice, badly, and recorded it, but then we realised there was no way of getting it on to the computer. Shitter! So, eventually I finished editing, albeit with no voiceover, and thus, not a lot of coherence. Still, Bam said it was fine. Bam's advert was awesome, Aedden's, the other guy in our group, also had an awesome advert, plus a super trippy Spongebob one (we had to make an animated advert too). We were finally done! Except... We'd finished too late. Our hand-in time was 12, and we finished about half 1 or so. So our stuff didn't get accepted. Shittest!! However, it will eventually be marked, though probably marked down for lateness, could be worse. We watched the other group's adverts, they were all awesome apart from one particular group's. They used Beecher, a band I happen to love, as an example of bad music in one of their adverts, so fuck them! Then went to the pub for a bit with the lads. An annoying fuck who we call by any name that isn't his actual name came along later, and annoyed me. Gah. He annoys me. In case you hadn't figured that out.
Later that night I hung out with Amanda, it's a Tuesday tradition. I can't remember much of what happened, 'cos I have the memory of an amnesiac goldfish, but regardless, it was awesome.
Finally got my shit sorted. I went on the Who's Who website to check out exactly what it was about. I wrote up my CV. It's a CV to be proud of.

I edited details that either a) Might make people steal my identity or b) Are horribly embarassing. That's my career then. I sent it, then sent it again because I got the e-mail address wrong first time around. Yeah, I'm stupid... I awaited a reply, but I don't think they send them. So yep, my task for the week is done!
There are some bonus tasks in the back of the book, which I've been planning to do because I'm now free of my week's task, but I never got around to doing them. Considering the first one involves going to Pakistan and fighting for the Jihad, I've been trying to think of some way to do this without actually going to Pakistan and fighting for the Jihad... As fun as that sounds and all...
In our lesson today we watched Set It Off, which I personally think is a pretty good film, even if the whole class didn't agree. I'd give it 4/5 for being a fun piece of escapism.
I didn't do any tasks. But it's hard to give a shit when you're at...
...Thorpe Park!!! Went to this rather fantabulous place with Meg, her boyfriend Dave, and Emily. We had an awesome time, we went on every single rollercoaster in the park. The Saw ride was awesome, and was shit-scary. Air pistols, darkness, unexpected drops, the fear of being splashed with bodily fluids, and the scariest fucking climb in a rollercoaster ever. Loved it! Also went on the Colossus, which was one of my rollercoasters to go on before I die. 'It's a good day to come to Thorpe Park' was our motto of the day, as we miraculously avoided the occasional rain, and queues weren't too bad at all. We also went on the Tidal Wave four times in a row, which was insane. We were very wet... VERY wet. Somehow we escaped without hypothermia. Was an awesome day. Thank you Meg, Emily and Dave for the awesomeness =D
Didn't do any tasks.
Or anything interesting for that matter. So there's not much to write about here.
No tasks. I will do them eventually, promise.
In the evening we went to Alex's party. It was damn fun, and everyone played a lot of the Star Trek pinball machine. Was cool to catch up with people who I hadn't seen since last year, and I might be able to get into a band with any luck, seeing as Alex's mum knows some people who need a drummer. Yay! The barbecue food was lush too, Alex's BBQ is an MI6 BBQ apparently, so is very flash. It's not actually an MI6 BBQ, though if they were to use a BBQ I'd suspect they'd use this one. Awesome evening!
So that's that for Who's Who Week... Next week (well, this week actually)... Rat Race Week. I'll let you know what it's all about on my next blog, but rest assured it's gonna be fuuuuuuun.
Love y'all
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