Saturday, 30 May 2009

Rat Race Week

Shiiiit! I've been so busy lately I haven't updated at all! On the week that I am about to document I was bogged down with essays, and this week I've been out lots to make up for the previous week. AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! =s So here's last week's antics, I'll update this week's another time!

This week I was celebrating Rat Race Week, which meant I merely had to be competitive in everything I did... Good times! I'm not naturally a very competitive person, so it was fun to have an excuse to be so =)

First things first - Beating others in the street. No, not physically beating them up, just competing with them. When picking up Hannah from school, I made sure that we ran in front of a family in the street. And then just walked normally as soon as we were in front of them. Good times!

At dinner we had Grandma and Maurice over, and I made sure that I was gonna eat my dinner quicker than anyone else. Meg and I had planned this earlier, but then she forgot about it, so I screwed her over by not reminding her. She was disqualified anyway, for not finishing her dinner. Strictly speaking she finished quicker than me, but she didn't eat it all, so I won. Hells yeah!

I also had the least profiteroles for dessert. This isn't actually true, but I did toy with this idea, but y'know... Profiteroles... Couldn't miss out on that shit! I then helped mum, because no one else was, thus I was nicer than anyone else... Competitiveness makes me do nice things

Meg challenged me to a peppercorn eating contest. It started off okay, eating little grains or a single peppercorn, but ended with three at the same time. Which doesn't sound that much, but trust me, it was spicy as shit! Still, this means I won!

That night I hung out with Amanda. While going to get our 'edible milkshakes' (natch) she dared me to get a peach one - very daring! Being very competitive I got one... It was very nice. We rocked out at mine and watched a Bad Religion DVD, which she lent to me, but I haven't gotten around to watching yet. Must get on that soon! She's on holiday at the mo, and I hope she's having an awesome time =)

I don't think I did any of my task, or anything else for that matter. I was working on essays most of this week, so I didn't have much time to chillax unfortunately.

Read above. I'm not very good at this task doing stuff.

I made sure that I got on the bus before someone else. This isn't particularly competitive, seeing as I was queueing anyway, but we'll pretend it was...

Got essays in - AWESOME! My second year at Uni is officially over!!!... Until I inevitably have to retake it again for failing a few modules that is... Oh well. Such is life. I'll rant about it at a later time, like when I have to actually retake it.

The guys in my class were going to a 5-a-side football tournament after this essay giving in, but one of their players, Aedden, didn't come in until really late. In fact, I kinda wonder why he bothered giving in his essays that late, it was way past the deadline. I guess they'll still be marked, but still... Should have at least used the oppertunity to work on them for another month or two. I was their substitute for Aedden, until he did come in at the last minute. I was gonna be potential rolling sub with Aedden, but I didn't actually play. Not that I minded, considering I don't really like football it was actually a lot of fun just supporting them, being their mascot, and yelling out football techniques that don't exist (LEFT ROTOR! VENUS FLYTRAP! etc.). Besides, I'm sure I would have just let the team down if I had have played. We lost out to some arrogant fucking cocks (one of them actually had a little move he pulled to the audience when he scored a goal - EXCEPT THERE WAS NO FUCKING AUDIENCE!), but it was fun so we didn't mind. Okay, we were a little annoyed we weren't playing against the class Jar Jar, who we call Sanchez, Rodriguez, Ahmed, David (nothing to do with the two actual Davids who I know), and, yes, Jar Jar. None of these are his actual name. Yes, I am mean, but he's an utter twat, so I couldn't care less. He's annoying, arrogant, and just generally cuntish (he insulted me for my fashion sense, despite the fact he wears the same clothes every day). Sorry. Rant over. I had to justify why we're mean to him though...

Didn't do any task. I'd run out of ideas of things to compete in. Although I think I played Mario Kart against Hannah for a bit, I probably did get a little competitive, intentionally or otherwise...

My mum, grandma, and Hannah left for holiday in Malta on this day. I miss you all, hope you're having a great time!

Didn't do any of my task. Meg actually challenged me to get her chips (doesn't sound like much of a challenge, we were chillaxing at the beach at the time though), but it was only because she was being lazy. I was being lazy too, thus why I didn't do it...

Spend the day at the beach with Meg, Chloe and Michelle. We didn't do much, we just sat down and talked, but it was a hell of a lot of fun. All this week there had been a gothy girl following me around, and she was at the beach too! Scary! There was also another element to this story, but I don't know if I should admit it on the internet, or I'll go to prison. I doubt I will, as I didn't really do anything wrong, but it's slightly dodgy nonetheless...

Meg went at some point, and Joseph joined us. I performed a show for them all, which involved me doing various things behind a wall (walking down stairs, using an elevator, riding a segway, riding a unicycle, etc.). It was a lot of fun, and I will definitely be performing my beautiful art at Meech's birthday party... We also decided to see how far forward/back our phone calenders would go. Me and Joseph went backwards, where I got to 1980 and he got to about 1997 or something. Michelle and Chloe went forward, Meech got to 2098, I can't remember where Chloe got to, but her phone froze when she got really far. Blast!

Later that night, Joseph told us that one of the bins behind Tesco is always unlocked, and that they throw new stuff away in there. So, naturally, we decided to raid it. We (well, Joseph), found an Air Wick thing, a 15 pack of Carlsberg, a 6 pack of croissants, and an 8 pack of milk. We stole it all. We started to drink some of the lager, but Chloe and I didn't like it. Still, the croissants were lovely, and the milk was part of a delicious macaroni cheese the next day! It was such a fucking crazy night, I loved it, it was so spontaneous, and Chloe, Joseph and I just had an awesome time, I wish there were more nights like that, where things aren't planned, they just happen. It was so awesome, I was hyped-up and laughing all night. Thank you for a lovely night Chloe and Joseph!

Also, at some point of this week, I downloaded the School Of Seven Bells single 'My Cabal', which featured a Jesu remix of 'Face To Face On High Places'. I won't go for a whole review right now, but rest assured, the Jesu remix is amazing. I had to mention this because I am quite possibly the world's biggest Jesu fan. And that's not a boast, it sucks being so into them sometimes. That is all.

Peace out, homies =D


  1. I thought I'd let you know that my phone beat Michelles =p it went to 2099 then frozed.. maybe going to 3000 was too much for my phone to handle =p
    I don't even remember why we did it!

  2. I thought it did beat Michelle's XD I wasn't certain though...
    Maybe if it got to the year 3000 your phone would be 'busted'! Haha, see what I did there? So clever! =p
    I have no idea why we did it, I think I mentioned that I tried it once but gave up, and then we all decided to actually do it =p
