Tuesday, 20 July 2010

More tasks y'all

Day 182: Change Osama's mind today
Here's my beautiful peon to peace;
Dear Mr. Bin Laden, I am James Small of Felixstowe. I am writing to respectfully invite you to reconsider your global "jihad" against the West. You clearly thought it was right at the time, but I believe that now you should call it quits. Here is my reason why: because karma's seriously gonna come and bite you on the arse if you don't stop. To be fair, it's probably too late to avoid the bad karma altogether, but you might as well stop while you're ahead, otherwise it will just build up and get a lot worse. I hope this convinces you. If so, please tell your fellow jihadists. I look forward to a future of peace.
Yours truly,
James Small

Day 183: First impressions are crucial in life. Today hand this to a stranger and find out what impression you made.
I attempted to find a good stranger, but I'm a shy little pussy. When I finally manned up, the old woman I asked said she didn't have the time for it. Blast!

Day 184: Play the stock market today
I didn't do this. I wouldn't know how.

Day 185: Today: Rearrange your local supermarket according to your own preferences
Chris and I rearranged Solar as thus;
We put stuff in tubs on sale
We moved trolleys to the middle of aisles
We put cereal and syrup in the freezers
We put cereal with the detergents
We moved chocolate bars to the stationary aisle
And such other stuff. Was awesome fun =)

Day 186: Today place flowers on an old unattended gravestone
Jay, Chris and I placed flowers at lots of gravestones.

Day 187: Today answer spam emails
I attempted to reply to some HSBC phishing scams, but it wouldn't let me reply.

Day 188: Cheerleader Day
I didn't cheer up everyone around me.

Day 189: Get admitted to a mental hospital today
For some reason, I decided not to do this one. Hmmmmm.

Day 190: Living History Day: Today, live the life of a 13th century peasant
Nor this one.

Day 191: Have all your food tasted for poison today
I didn't really do this one either, but Michelle ate a crusty, disgusting pair of jelly lips in a pack of sweets for me. It wasn't poisoned, thankfully.

Day 192: Defy superstition today
I wanted to do this, but I didn't have time. And then forgot when I did.

Day 193: Rebirth! Today ask your parents to help you stage a realistic reconstruction of your birth.
Ewwww, so many reasons I didn't do this one...

Day 194: Change someone's mind today
I tried to change Jay's mind on some subjects via the medium of blatant lies. Jay is probably the most stubborn person in the world though, so it was futile.

Day 195: Leave a note on someone's car windscreen
I left a note saying the following;
5 million people are injured every year by drivers who don't indicate. Don't make it 3 million and one.

Day 196: Today, go see your MP with your suggestion for a new law
I didn't do this.

Day 197: Mini-Prostitution Day
I offered my services over Facebook, and while interest from others was piqued, there were no buyers. Shame.

Day 198: Spend today pretending to be a tourist!
I didn't do this either.

Day 199: Today, agree to meet someone in 10 years' time.
My barely known friend Gav was willing to meet in ten years' time, although no further details have taken place beyond that initial agreement.

Day 200: Dump your partner for the day
Jay and I broke up. Even though she was very aware of this task. I flirted really badly with a checkout girl while single (ie, not at all). I also spouted filth all day.

Sorry my descriptions have been so short, I'm not in the best of moods today. But oh well. I didn't have much to say anyway because I'm a terrible tasker as of late. No worries. I'm finally up to date with tasks, so that's good at least. Yay!

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