Monday, 18 January 2010

Day 13: Today, pretend to be a secret agent


First and foremost, this is incredibly private. Under no circumstances may this be reproduced for public viewing, whether printed or on screen. This is a top secret document that is for your eyes only. The consequences of reproduction of this file in any way will be major and unavoidable. If you are sworn to this secrecy, please continue.

The day started off badly. Okay, it was actually a really good day, but task wise, I think I failed. I had to "pretend" to be a secret agent, so my first assignment was to meet outside work at 1300 hours and wave to the grey car, which was to drop me off at the rendezvous point. Even though I set an alarm, Jay and I woke up a bit too late, so in attempting to get ready in time, I missed the deadline. We got outside for her to get picked up by her mum (who wasn't in a grey car), and we chatted for a while, making sure to never look up, we know they're watching. I figured the grey car would circle for a while until I arrived, but alas, only one grey car arrived on the scene. I ran out and waved at it, but I have a feeling it wasn't "the" car, as it did not stop for me. I hate to say it, and I'm very sorry to deliver this news, but I failed the primary mission.

However, I had to make sure that no one would find the instructions for my day, so I had to eat the piece of paper they came printed on. I tore off a fair chunk and attempted to swallow it, but it was very uncomfortable, so I figured a more practical approach was needed, a way of finishing my mission without suffering too much personal discomfort. So, under my sister's thinking (who, of course, had no idea about my secret mission) we tore up the page, and sprinkled it as a topping to a bowl of delicious ice cream. It ruined the ice cream. It did not taste nice at all, and constantly got stuck to the roof of my mouth and behind my teeth. I immediately gave up on this and binned the ice cream and secret document, under the belief that it was torn up so tiny it would be unreadable.

Above: Exhibit A - Ice cream topped with secret document.

Later that evening I went to Amanda's, who I hadn't seen for a while, so it was lovely to see her again. We ate pizza, watched 'The Vicar Of Dibley', had an uncomfortable but amusing experience with the two Alex's, her boyfriend and and her friend, and watched a Tim Minchin show, which I was amazed by. The guy is so funny, and intelligent, and talented, and can play piano like no one's business. At the same time. Plus, has amazing eyes. Amanda also gave me my belated Xmas present, 'Dexter' Season 1 on DVD. I haven't seen 'Dexter' before, but have always wanted to, so I look very much forward to experiencing it.

I think we can count this as a mission clearly failed, unfortunately. It seems I mixed business with pleasure, and pleasure ultimately won out. My apologies to all who relied on me. Please tell my wife and kids that I love them.


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