It was immediately difficult to wake up and not instinctively grab my glasses and put them on. I literally had to stop myself from doing this, I could feel my arm creeping over to my bedside table, and had to slap my hand to resist my urge. That's not true. But it could be, glasses are a serious business for speccies like me, you know! It just felt really wrong and awkward grabbing breakfast and looking in the mirror without glasses. I'm used to doing certain things without glasses - like sleeping, and showering, things where glasses are hugely unneccesary. But otherwise, I'm pretty reliant on them. I've gotta say though, I don't think I look too bad without glasses - shame that I would rather cut a finger off than put something in my eye that has to STAY THERE! Eurrrrgh!
Above: How I naturally look, sans glasses. Definitely not exaggerated...
Going to Ipswich to meet my sister was awkward too. I could just about make out the right bus number when it came along, which was a good start, but I genuinely found the journey really quite depressing. I dunno why, I guess not being able to see anything properly is just a bit of a downer. And it made me really drowsy too, all day. But I don't wanna sound like a whingey bastard, I know that there are people out there with similarly bad eyesight who can't do anything about it, and people with far worse eyesight too. Including the completely blind, which this whole task was about experiencing. Though I don't wanna come across like that delusional bitch who writes for the Daily Mail who thinks that being denied access to a top-class hotel and having to call her agent for help is just as bad as being homeless. No, I'm not kidding. Read that shit and get angry at the world with me. Although it is the Daily Mail, so I wouldn't expect anything less than utter ignorance.
Anyway, Daily Mail rant over (I need to get them out of my system every now and again!) I got into Ipswich eventually, and decided to have a quasi-shop while waiting for Meg. Which was difficult, seeing as I had to lean SUPER-close to everything to see stuff properly, which also probably made me look a bit insane. If the task was to look mental for a day, I'd have probably succeded a bit better. After a while of me sticking my face inches in front of video games and sweets, Meg came along. She has successfully passed her theory test! Well done, Meg! To celebrate, we headed to the cinema. Okay, we were gonna head to the cinema anyway, but let's bask in the moment, guys!
Meg didn't wanna watch anything too depressing, seeing as she hasn't been in the best of moods lately (despite passing her test? Madness! She should be revelling in how her life is awesome in comparison!), so we went to go see 'Daybreakers', as I personally think the film is a good laugh. I'll admit, I completely pussied out, and put my glasses on for the film. There was no way I could miss the slow-mo orgy of gore at the end of the film, a truly epic thematic moment if there ever was one. Which there are. Lots of. But still, an awesome moment nonetheless! I then took off my glasses again for the journey home, where I unfortunately missed out on a guy walking around wearing stupid goggles. Maybe he was doing the task too? But apparently he's annoying, so I refuse to believe he's a Benrikian! Even though I'm annoying too, but shhhh...
Later at home, I watched an episode of 'The Simpsons' without my glasses, which was actually alright, I could make most things out okay because it consists of thick black lines. However, I made sure to put my glasses on for the Seth Rogen episode that was on later. Which, due to the Roge-meister, was a far better episode than most recent 'Simpsons', even if it still wasn't great. But it was decent. To be fair, I wanted to put them back on at this time anyway, going out with my glasses caused a fuck-off huge headache, and wasn't helping my drowsiness at all. Plus, I had a blog entry to write, and I put way too much effort into these things without having to strain my eyes and alternate my face quickly between the keyboard and the screen during a headache. Jeez, that would have been such fun though...
LMFAO at the photo of you xD