Monday, 11 January 2010

Day 7: Today, let Benrik stamp your passport

I'll admit it straight up - I did not do this task. It's the only task of the Book so far that I have failed to do, and, as such kind of feel like I am not a true Benrikian! Well, to be fair, it's not too late, I'm still considering sending in my passport anyway, in fact I may do it tomorrow if I have time. But, in all honesty, it's probably the task that scares me the most, for a multitude of reasons.

Firstly, it was all the text at the bottom of the page. Stuff about possible Visa withholdings, arrest, denied access to countries, and even detainment. It scared the shit out of me. I know the chances of someone looking at the stamp and thinking "Hmmmm, that's particularly suspicious" are unlikely, but you just can never know! So, yeah, call me a pussy, but it kinda worried me. Even though I have no holidays planned for the immediate future. But something could come up. You can just never know! That's my moral for today apparently. Chris and I discussed how we could always claim that there's a country called Benrik, so we could get away with it. But then, Benrik could be the name of a real country, one famous for drug smuggling and illegal immigration. YOU CAN JUST NEVER KNOW!

More than anything though, it was Meg advising me against it. Now, usually I refuse to listen, because she advises against the majority of the tasks. But in this particular case, she told me that it's not a good idea simply because apparently replacing a lost passport is an absolute bitch. And, yes, I realise losing a passport isn't part of the task, but it is a possibility, so I would be a bit worried having my passport sent back and forth over the UK if it was so difficult to get a new one. So yeah, I pussied out. But I'm still considering it. Will I do it? You can just never know...

I thought about sending in my task idea instead, but didn't get around to doing that either. But for any interested parties, here's my idea;

Today, haunt your local library

In fiction, we often see that it is possible, and relatively simple, to invoke evil spirits in a library. But surely that concept had to stem from reality?

Today, test this idea. Go to the horror/occult section of your local library, open an Aleister Crowley book, chant some Satanic verse, and see if evil demons will run rampant amongst the aisles. Happy haunting!

Above: A really poor photo of my task. Admire that beautiful ghost drawing!

I suppose my day was very unproductive though, Benrik-wise, seeing as I didn't even get around to sticking this in an envelope... But there's still time.

It wasn't an entirely unproductive day in other terms though. Because I finished my essay. YASSSSS!!! To be fair, it wasn't that stressful, it was probably the easiest essay I've ever written, was just a bit time consuming was all. But I was super happy about getting it done, so went to Jay and Kate's to celebrate.

Due to the freak amounts of snowfall in the UK at the moment, we (Jay, Kate, Meech, and I) realised it was the perfect weather to play in the snow. I kinda didn't want to when I arrived, just 'cos I was so pissed off at some pricks who threw a snowball right into my face on the way up there. But I cheered up soon, and we went and created the most epic snowman ever. Actually, it was more of a snowpig. But we wanted a snowbear. Not a snowmanbearpig. So, we crafted it as such, geniously using teabags as eyes and nose, and eyeliner for the mouth. It was beautiful. However, with the redonculous amount of snowfall today, it didn't have a face for long. It was still beautiful though.

Meech and I walked home later, marvelling at how beautiful the snow was. It was quite difficult having to trundle through all the snow, and got pretty exhausting. Meech and I signed off at the traffic lights we used to hang around at in 2008, which made me really nostalgic. Good times, just seeing those traffic lights makes me happy! I'm hoping for more good times at THE lights in the immediate future!

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