Friday, 1 January 2010

Start The Riot!

Hello everyone, and a happy new year to y'all! On my last blog post I did intend to write up my new year's resolutions, but totally didn't want to! Nah, I'm kidding, I just forgot. So, with a little bit of inspiration from my best friends, here are my new year's resolutions, plus stuff I want to do over the course of 2010;
- Be more sociable - go out when invited out, see friends more
- But also see more of my family too
- Try to make an effort with Dad, in the hope that maybe he'll make an effort with my sisters and I. Maybe he doesn't deserve it, but I'm not someone to be bitter at people
- Do my Benrik tasking to the best of my ability
- Take more photos
- Spend less on shit that I don't need
- On a similar level, 'treat myself' less. If you catch my drift. I kinda hope you don't. But if you do, I'm not addicted or anything, I always just feel kinda guilty and lonely afterwards. Because I'm weird
- Try my hardest at everything
- Try to go to some gigs. And if Jesu are in the UK, DEFINITELY go to one of their gigs
- Learn to cook
- Be less opinionated
- Get a job
- Be happy
- Keep blogs consistent, hopefully
- Finish the current script I'm writing
- Get better at bass
- Actually pass my second year this time
- Gain weight - No, I'm not taking the piss out of everyone who says they want to lose weight, I think I'm disgustingly skinny, and don't think it would hurt to be a bit bigger
- Help out my friends with their new year's resolutions
- Stop accidentally writing/saying 'revolutions' instead of 'resolutions' and having to go back and correct my mistake

And I think that's that for my kinda long list of stuff. I'm looking forward to improving myself on these levels, and this whole year in general. It's gonna be awesome!

Today, I officially start some immense tasking in the form of 'This Book Will Change Your Life'. Things will start off easy, but it doesn't take long for them to get hardcore. I fully expect to end this year with; a criminal record, physical scars, psychological scars, no money at all, fluency in Esperanto, a ridiculous amount of quiche in my house, and much more besides. Even though I have strictly speaking done today's task, I will still continue my thing of writing about it the day after - just in case anything should need to be added after I've written my day's entry. So for today's entry I'll fill you in on my filling in - of the opening forms of the Book that is.

This Book Will Change Your Life belongs to: James Small
Stranger: If you find this Book, please return it to me if I know the secret word (which is didgeridoo) and I will give you sexual favours.

Personal details
Photo (Before): There's meant to be a photo here, but I can't get my fucking camera to plug into the computer properly. So fuck it, maybe someday soon, I will ACTUALLY be able to put photos on my blogs.
Name: James Small
Address: I wrote it down, but I'm not divulging that on the internet you cheeky buggers!
Phone (home): Same as above.
Phone (mobile): Nope, sorry.
Computer IP address: God knows
Date of birth: 24/10/1988
Social security number: ??? (I genuinely don't know)
Bank details A/C: Not telling (I didn't even write this down in the Book, along with a lot of the following answers...)
Sort code: Still not telling
Internet password: ****** (Hint: It's not actually six asterisks)
Credit cards: Don't, have, any
Pin numbers: Or, do, I?
Burglar alarm code: A secret
Role model: Justin K. Broadrick
Aspiration in life: World's greatest director/musician
Childhood dream: Video game designer
Claim to fame: Benrikian of the Month, December 2009
Definition of beauty: Niceness
Explanation of evil: Horribleness
Other details you deem relevant: I have not taken most of this seriously
Completely unnecessary detail: I just ate chilli beef lasagne
Compromising detail: I love you (don't tell anyone!)
Is this book a gift?: No

In case of emergency
Name of GP: Dr. Riiiiiip and Nurse Proddenfeel
Phone: ?
Medication: Tetrasyl 300
Previous operations: None
Limbs I would rather not have amputated: Toes on left foot
Organs I would rather not have removed: Balls
Current blood group: A/O
Preferred blood group: O
My favourite colour: Green
My favourite food: Pizza
My lucky number: 13
My sexual orientation: Straight
My best foot: Right
My best friend: All of them!
My most annoying habits: Biting nails, being annoying
Person to contact: My mother
Phone: Oh no you don't!
Break the news to them gently?: Yes
Confession (my worst sin): I did mean schoolboy pranks to someone I won't name, because I'm no longer being mean to them
I want to be: Cremated
Song to be played: Jesu - 'Weightless & Horizontal'
Do not invite: Adolf Hitler
Epitaph: 'If only he hadn't have done that task'
Lasting regret: Never saying sorry
My stuff goes to: Everyone in the world, shared out equally
Dear anybody who reads this, please go to my room and remove the stash of heroin from inside my TV before my poor mother finds it.
Favourite isotope: Springfield Isotopes
Country where you agree to meet up with your loved ones within 10 years: Not yet discussed. Will have to be arranged though.

Woah, that was exhaustive. Hopefully I didn't divulge too much information and won't get my identity stolen. Would serve me right though if I did, I'd learn my lesson. Besides ALL the information was deadly serious! Especially about the heroin in my TV, and my doctor's names.

So, tomorrow I should, hopefully, begin blogging about my actual tasks. Stay tuned, folks! Oh, and for tomorrow: Happy new day! I don't see why a year should be so much more important than a day...


  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
    Doctor Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip will see you now ;P
    I like your blogs :)

  2. I like your blogs more than you like my blogs! That's a fact! =D



  3. I never thought about spelling nurse proddenfeel like that.
    My name tag would be a lot less subtle.
    "Nurse PROD-AND-FEEL"

    Also Do not invite: Adolf Hitler
    DAMN YOU JAMES!! You've messed up the plans to your funeral that I have! >:(

    and Lasting regret: Never saying sorry
    You say sorry to everything :p

    Michelle: "HI JAMES!!!"
    James: "Sorrrryyyy"

  4. Nurse STICK-HER-FINGERS-IN-YOU would be more subtle I think =p

    Lmao, you can invite other dictators if you want? It's just that Hitler's so well-known that my funeral will instantly get a bad rep! =p

    Lol, I do say sorry a lot, for things I don't need to say sorry for =p But there's still some things I haven't said sorry about to some people, that actually do deserve a sorry =p

