So, on this day, way back on the 17th January (years ago!!!), I had to ask my loved ones to list my bad points, as may have been made obvious by the task name. The given bad-point-listing-box had five seperate bad-point-listing-boxes for different kinds of bad-point-listers; partner, parent, child, friend, and boss. Only three of those were available to me, seeing as I have neither a partner nor a child, so I first of all went to Mum.
Mum acted all coy at first, saying "I can't think of any bad points about you". It didn't take her long to write down the honest, but still kind of brutal bad points though. 'You lack incentive and drive, go to bed too late and get up too late.' Owch! Still, very, very true. If I don't work on this by the end of the year she will disinherit me! Not that it matters, she said she has no money to give me anyway. Wooo!
Next, I attempted to phone my boss. I'll get it out of the way. I have a paper round, at 21 years old. I know, it's pathetic. But I enjoy it, so fuck you if you is judgin' me, Holmes! I judge those who judge others! Including myself! However, it gets worse. I attempted to phone my boss, not realising that the phone number in the address book was an old number. I phoned up and got through to a man. "Hi, is the woman who does the Advertisers there?" I say. "Erm, she died last February" comes the horrific reply. Shit! I freeze up. What would be the good thing to say in this situation? "I'm sorry, I forgot!" would most certainly not be it. But it's what I fucking said anyway. Jesus, I am a douche. I should have written under my boss' notes 'Don't forget that you old boss is dead, you dumb shit!' Fuckkkkkk. Now you can judge me!
Later that night I went to Jay and Kate's. I decided to ask Jay to list my bad points. Unlike Mum, it took her ages to think of any. After about an hour of umming and ahhing, I finally got 'You fart violently. You're clumsy. You live far away'. All very fair points! Will definitely work on them for the end of the year! Well, the first one at least. I can try my best at the others, but neither are really my fault. Nor's the farting really. But I tend to be particularly violent and loud around her. I'm a charming guy! I can't remember much about being at hers, except that we watched 'Criminal Minds', and that 'Kevin McCloud Slumming It' programme, and had lots of moral-ethical conversations. Later, Jay walked me home and crashed at mine, due to complications I will not go into. While we watched a really old, very aged film on TV. Which is 'Fahrenheit Something'. The 'Something' is a number, but I've forgotten what it is. 451, I think? Am I right? I'm too lazy to Google it. Someone let me know!
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